Audiolab Omnia All in One Amplifier
Audiolab Omnia All in One Amplifier
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- 擁有CD播放器的串流合併機,基本上是一機全功能型的英國品牌合併機
- 全鋁合金機箱,四角均作圓滑設計,而且在機身上找不到任何螺絲,可見機箱設計之精巧,配合霧面噴砂處理,讓Omnia在外觀上透出幾許典雅氣質
- 在8ohm 時有50W功率輸出,配置一個向Noratel訂製的200VA環形變壓器,透過獨立抽頭分別供電給前級、後級、DAC與控制線路,使供電純淨,且減少了彼此干擾
- 4顆15,000uF的濾波電容,可提供瞬間最高9A的電流輸出,放大路線使用了自家CFB回授補償技術,確保工作線性和功率晶體不會過熱
- 內建一組增益達47dB的MM唱頭放大,加上6.3mm的耳機輸出,造到真正的一機全功能
- 使用ESS9038 Q2M SABRE 32 Reference DAC晶片,可對應最高PCM 768kHz ; DSD512的解碼,USB解碼更通過了Roon Tested認證,可見其解碼質素
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What is CRYO?
Cryotherapy is the use of extreme cold applying on the metal of the cable. This technology allows your cable to be upgraded by enhancing conductivity, erasing interference, and re-arranging the metal particles in order.
Your cable will bring to your system more clarity, more detail, less background noises, and better music listening.
What is QBT?
Quantum Burning Technology applies a similar but reverse polarity frequency against noise, so the noise will be cancelled out. It may takes a longer run-in time than cables without QBT treatment. But the benefits of it is permanant.
Your cables will bring to your system better position of the sounds, better silhouette, and openness.