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Meze Audio POET



Regular price HK$15,800.00
Regular price Sale price HK$15,800.00
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Knowing your cables, Knowing your system

An observation to the majority to buy due to some websites are highly recommended, but do you know what you are really buying, and are they the best fit to your current audio system?

We encourage you to know better your current audio system before buying/upgrading. Save your budget on the right choice!

Welcome to contact us for free consultation for your audio system.

  • What is CRYO?

    Cryotherapy is the use of extreme cold applying on the metal of the cable. This technology allows your cable to be upgraded by enhancing conductivity, erasing interference, and re-arranging the metal particles in order.

    Your cable will bring to your system more clarity, more detail, less background noises, and better music listening.

  • What is QBT?

    Quantum Burning Technology applies a similar but reverse polarity frequency against noise, so the noise will be cancelled out. It may takes a longer run-in time than cables without QBT treatment. But the benefits of it is permanant.

    Your cables will bring to your system better position of the sounds, better silhouette, and openness.